Professional Consulting Architects & Engineers

About The Firm

In this context of rapid urbanization of our continent, Africa, Architecture must play a decisive role in creating cities our children can happily inhabit and build on. We firmly believe that thoughtful design can  in making adaptable good places to live, work, socialise and more. Places with comfortable and contextually charming physical setting, vibrant activity and imbued with meaning to the local urban citizen. Our work is an earnest endeavour to bring this vision to life, creating buildings that respond to perceived future needs, demands and opportunities with minimum possible burden on this generation.

Our practice follows a holistic approach integrating architectural design with urban design studies, and structural and environmental design, new building types studies, materials and construction technology research.

We believe in cross-pollination of innovative ideas and thus follow a collaborative approach at all stages of design which guarantees fully integrated design solutions.

Addis Mebratu - Founder & CEO

Addis Mebratu

Principal Architect and Executive Director


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Criminal Law

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Criminal Law

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Child Custody​

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Child Custody

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Domestic Violence​

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Domestic Violence

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Civil Unions​

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Civil Unions

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Business Law

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Business Law

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Property Crime

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Property Crime

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20 Years Of Experience In Consulting Architecture & Engineering Field

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